Monday, September 2, 2013

The Rebirth

2-9 September 2013: 'The Rebirth', this morning's intuited sketch from my soul with a message for the week ahead.

What is inevitable for a seed pod? It must break open. 

The sacred enclosure transforms into an open gateway. The purpose of the pod rebirths, and births out a new embodiment of itself.

Imagine a seed pod that resisted to break open. A seed pod that believed it was not good enough to be more of its divine self. That chose to limit its own growth instead of allowing its true flow. That decided to well, stay shut. What then of its higher purpose to break open by breaking through its doubts, fears and inner critics? What if it dismissed, denied and pushed aside its innate direction to express itself (as itself)? The energy seeking to break open would begin to turn in and find an opening elsewhere. In a break down. On some level. Not because it was worthless, useless or a mistake. Because of course it is none of those things. But because no matter how determined a pod may be to remain shut, its true flow will always find a way to do exactly that, flow.

And so whenever chaos reigns, things feel 'shut' or one feels they are breaking-down, know this: your true flow is constantly... flowing. It is ever-present even in our most unclear and unsure moments.

This week notice how your true flow is flowing. Are you attempting to stay shut in an area of your life or are you answering the call to break open into more of your wholeness? Are you feeling worn down by limiting beliefs and false perceptions of the self or are you breaking-through their illusion? Are you grasping onto or releasing old definitions of your purpose and who you are?

The pod says rebirth is a time of releasing the newness already within you. Open to the fullness of your divine self.

I'd love to hear from you. What helps you consciously align with your flow? Add your comments below or be a part of the conversation on my Facebook Page.

Shine on, Jelena x

© Copyright Jelena Mrkich 2013.

Permission is granted to share this post and images within it freely on the condition that the author is credited and this byline is included. Jelena Mrkich is an Artist, Art Therapist and Creative Catayst who is passionate about creativity as a tool for healing, transformation and self-awareness. For more info visit or for regular creative good things join her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.


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