Monday, September 9, 2013

The Shapeshifter

9-15 September 2013; 'The Shapeshifter', Monday's intuited sketch from my soul with a message for the week ahead.

The shapeshifter surfaced as 'She with the fox mask' to say not all masks hide who we are. 

Some masks gift us the exact dose of courage we need to throw off what we have been using as an excuse to make ourselves smaller, less than and unloveable (first to ourselves then with others). These kinds (of kind) self-empowering self-strengthening masks remind us that we always have what we need, which includes courage to reveal our soul truth (first to ourselves then others). To shed like fur or hair that which we no longer are and give light to our vulnerability.

To be vulnerable is to transcend the heaviness that would have otherwise hid your you-ness (yes, first from ourselves then others).

To be vulnerable is to show up as yourself and let yourself be seen. She with the fox mask reminds us that sometimes showing up as ourselves means to hear the call from within that only we can hear. The call that guides us to retreat into our inner world and embark on a journey to our core. The more we familiarise ourselves with this inner path home, the more easeful and direct we can tap into the inner knowing that resides there. She with the fox mask reminds us to deepen this connection with the unseen world, that of our own intuition, inner creative force and the call for transformation into a new way of being from within. Deep inner work is concealed from the outer world at first and can appear as if little to no movement forward has or is being made.

Even in silence, solitude or at a standstill the inner creative force is always in motion.

This week, strengthen your self-trust. Trust with your heart. Trust with your you-ness. Trust that as you are changing, shifting and evolving from within, your outer world is also dancing to the same rhythm, shifting to match your new ways and vibration - as you show up more (and more) as yourself and let yourself be seen.

The more you allow your inner knowing to surface, the sharper it becomes. Like a fox, it is crafty for a reason because it is the stuff from which you shape-shift yourself from old and/or false definitions of self and into your soul's truth in the now (new) moment.

She with the fox mask has an additional note on fur and hair; They are ancient symbols of energy and fertility, and changing it can help change the expression of our own creative life force. Hence we feel anew with a hair cut or change, regardless of how subtle or drastic it is.

I'd love to hear from you. What masks have helped strengthen aspects within you? Add your comments below or be a part of the conversation on my Facebook Page.

Shine on, Jelena x

© Copyright Jelena Mrkich 2013.

Permission is granted to share this post and images within it freely on the condition that the author is credited and this byline is included. Jelena Mrkich is an Artist, Art Therapist and Creative Catayst who is passionate about creativity as a tool for healing, transformation and self-awareness. For more info visit or for regular creative good things join her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.


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