Friday, July 5, 2013

Your You~ness Party

Creative Nudge Fridays is here!

We're going to the party.

Our whole self is constantly inviting all of our inner aspects to come to the party - of being who we really are and letting go of who we are not.

What would your party look like if it could be anything in the world? Of course your life is your you~ness party. For this nudge we're inviting our imagination to run free and open to what our party would look like if we let go of any fears, limiting beliefs, self-sabotaging patterns and old modes of being that no longer serve us. Ask yourself what kind of event is it - casual, relaxed, sacred, natural, vintage, original, simple, elaborate, fun, childlike, serious or something else? It might be a quaint or boisterous celebration. It is whatever surfaces for you.

Pay attention to any signs or tangible objects that show up on your path that symbolise what your party would look like. It might be a rainbow, glitzy shoes, balloons, delicious food, a magnificent cake, your favourite band, a jumping castle or whatever you feel drawn to. You might want to bake that cake! Or express this nudge in the form of an artwork.

To remind yourself that your life right now is your you~ness party in action, take a pic of your symbolic object or artwork, then use the pic as your screen saver or wallpaper on your phone or computer.

If you give the nudge a go, comment below or be a part of the conversation on my Facebook Page. If you share your nudge pic via Twitter or Instagram use the tag #creativenudgefridays so we can find you.

In the words of Steve Covey, "Live out of your imagination, not your history.".

Create on, Jelena x

© Copyright Jelena Mrkich 2013.

Permission is granted to blog about this nudge or share this post and images within it freely on the condition that the author is credited and this byline is included. Jelena Mrkich is an Artist, Art Therapist and Creative Catayst who is passionate about creativity as a tool for healing, transformation and self-awareness. For more info visit or for regular creative good things join her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.


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