Friday, March 1, 2013

Transform an Ideal Feeling into a Real One

Creative Nudge Fridays is here!

Welcome to nudge #14. We're creating a sacred reminder that whatever we desire to feel is already within us.

The desire to transform any part of ourselves or our life often births from the desire to feel better than we do. Whether that is to be happier, healthier, wealthier or more loved, valued and seen. One of the most powerful ways to get to a more positive place of being is from where we are right now, by connecting deeper to any desired state from within. As the words by Mahatma Gandhi remind us, "Be the change you wish to see in the world."

Here is a nudge to encourage you to be the change you wish to see in your own life. Create a visual mantra. A mini-one that you can place on your desk, on your dashboard, in your pocket, wallet, bag or wherever you know you will regularly see it. You will need an old business card, scissors, glue and collaging papers. This exercise can be done in 20 minutes, though create in the time that feels right for you.

To help get in the space for creating your visual mantra, ask yourself;
- What would I like to change the most in my life right now? It might be one aspect or area of your life, or it could be your entire life.
- How do I really feel about this (the thing I want to change)?
- How do I desire to feel? It might be one feeling or a combination of feelings.

Use your desired feeling(s) as the inspiration for your visual mantra. Express it out through a collage, using the old business card as your mini canvas. If you feel to use another medium or work with mixed media, do it! You could also add words that reflect your desired feeling.

Note, collaging paper can include; used magazines, brochures, leaflets, wrapping paper or old book pages.

To remind yourself that you can be the change you wish to see, take a photo of your visual mantra then use the pic as your screen saver or wallpaper on your phone or computer.

Your view. If you like this post, click LIKE below or if you give the nudge a go, please let us know. Share a pic with us on my Facebook Page, or add your comments below. I'd love to see your visual mantras! If you share your visual mantras on Twitter, Instagram or elsewhere on the web, let's use the tag #creativenudgefridays so we can find you.

Pass it on. Here is a ready-to-go prod for you to share the nudge on Facebook, Twitter + elsewhere on the web; Transform an ideal feeling into a real one, via @jelenamrkich #creativenudgefridays

The visuals around us, whether tangible or imaginary, can affect our whole self - including our emotional state. Raise the vibration of what you see to help transform an ideal feeling into a real one.

Create on, Jelena x

© Copyright Jelena Mrkich 2013.

Permission is granted to share this post and images within it freely on the condition that the author is credited and this byline is included. Jelena Mrkich is an Artist, Art Therapist and Creative Catayst who is passionate about creativity as a tool for healing, transformation and self-awareness. For more info visit or for regular creative good things join her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.


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