Friday, March 29, 2013

Shine Brighter with One Word

Creative Nudge Fridays is here!

Welcome to nudge #18. In one word = ta.

An attitude of gratitude is positively self-illuminating. When we bring to light what we are thankful for, our whole self shines that much brighter, including our creative spirit. Holding on to the energy of what we don't have or want, or what we haven't got yet, invites in more of that energy. More of what you don't have or want! Appreciating what is in your life right now, creates fertile ground for more of the same. More of what you do appreciate.

Here is a nudge for creating more fertile ground for what you are truly thankful for. See the love in the little things today. Whatever that may be for you. It might be what you already notice in your everyday happenings, perhaps it's something you would otherwise passby or maybe it's something new for you. When you come across it, allow yourself to pause for a moment. Pay attention to it. Breathe it in. Give thanks quietly or aloud. If you feel inclined, for the next week make note of three things you are grateful for at the end of each day. Write it in your journal or if you don't have one already, you might wish to start a gratitude journal, a place for gathering daily notes for all that you are thankful for. 

A note, this nudge is especially useful if you think there is nothing or little to be grateful for in your life right now. When you cultivate an attitude of gratitude it becomes more easeful to see love daily on your path.

Shining the light on what you are thankful for, lights the love already with + within you.

To remind yourself that an attitude of gratitude invites in more easeful flow on all levels, take a photo of one (or more!) things you are thankful for, then use the pic as your screen saver or wallpaper on your phone or computer.

I'd love to see your ta moments!

If you give the nudge a go, comment below or be a part of the conversation on my Facebook Page. If you share your ta moments via Twitter or Instagram use the tag #creativenudgefridays so we can find you.

Create on, Jelena x

© Copyright Jelena Mrkich 2013.

Permission is granted to share this post and images within it freely on the condition that the author is credited and this byline is included. Jelena Mrkich is an Artist, Art Therapist and Creative Catayst who is passionate about creativity as a tool for healing, transformation and self-awareness. For more info visit or for regular creative good things join her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.


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