Monday, February 22, 2010

a cup of CreativiTea

I love my morning soy chai. It has become a ritual that marks the beginning of my day, no matter what the weather. Stormy, cold, blue skies or humid, I like to have my tea. Much like art and creativity for me, no matter what my inner weather. Joyful, refreshed, hesitant or frustrated, I tap into the creative realm daily. It is not so much what I do. It's the movement behind it, what's going on behind the scenes that is nourishing to the self.
Creativity is motion, an energy that stretches the imagination - immersing in its process of transformation and transmutation is a fuel to maneuver one's self beyond one's own boundaries. It is a tool of opportunity to uncover greater realms of truth, love and joy within.

This space is for exactly that, to go beyond the surface, to live a more authentic life via creative expression. Here you will find art therapy information and articles, creative tools and musings, artistic good things and inspiration to explore and express who you really are. In this very moment, wherever you are at in your life journey, thanks for dropping in.

May you enjoy a cup of CreativiTea. Good things for your soul. Brewed fresh.

p.s. who's the lil' pink piglet? Meet Kalvin. He was made to sit on the top of pencils, but he much prefers life at ground level and well, quite frankly it's a bit uncomfortable to sit on a pencil all day. He is a lucky piglet for me, so I like to take him places. Kalvin enjoys adventures, car rides, pistachios, cupfuls of creativiTEA and is quite the curious cat, er pig (as a result he has gone missing in action on more than one occasion). That's him in the pic checking out what kind of tea I'm drinking today. He likes to know. He's an advocate of imagination, play and having an oink of a time. He insists these creative energies are essential ingredients in life that can assist our personal journey's way after kindergarten. A special shout out to his brother Kevin Just-call-me-Mr-Pig Bacon, not the American Actor, but the crazy fabulous piglet currently living in London as part of a round-the-world trip he has embarked on with his pal Owlie. We hope they launch a blog soon cause those two are a hoot.


© Copyright Jelena Mrkich 2010.

Jelena Mrkich is an Artist, Art Therapist and Creative Catayst who is passionate about creativity as a tool for healing, transformation and self-awareness. For more info visit or for regular creative good things join her on FacebookTwitterInstagram and Pinterest.


  1. Yo Kalvin! Looking good bruv! you look like your having an oinking good time. I miss eating pistachio's with you. We'll see what I can do about getting a blog up since you asked so nicely. I might have some trouble setting it up myself (having no hands and all) I'll have to be extra nice to Krisi tomorrow, i hear she like caramel milkshakes....

    Love your bruv

    P.s Owlie says Hi, and that he's like to see some more pics of you around the place. He sense's a pic-a-bout-the-place challenge forming.

  2. Owlie! A pic-about-the-place challenge sounds like oodles of creative fun. Or would that be a pig-about-the-place challenge with an owlie? Either way, it's on.

    Kevin! I miss eating pistachio's with you too dude. I ate a bunch of them yesterday under one of the big shady trees here. I think Bessie the new pony wanted some.

    p.s. did you get Krisi a caramel milkshake?
